HLTAID014 Provide Advanced First Aid

About the course

Firstaid2go Advanced First aid is a National Accredited Course.  Our course will assist workplaces to meet workplace requirements. Whilst helping you to further your knowledge and ability.

Advanced first aid training provides the necessary skills to take your training to the next level.  Completion of this course will enable you to confidently coordinate, manage and instruct other first aiders. Thus, helping you confidently across a range of complex situations both within community as well as workplace environments.

Your course includes the following Nationally Recognised Statement of Attainments:

HLTAID009 Provide Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation CPR
HLTAID010 Provide Basic Life Support
HLTAID011 Provide First Aid
HLTAID014 Provide Advanced First Aid

Queensland Security Guards: As per Queensland government 21/01/2020 Advanced First Aid HLTAID014 Meets all the latest requirements for licensed bodyguards or/and crowd controllers.

Course Details

Course Cost: $400.00.

Course Time: 2 Days (SOME HOME STUDY).

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Groups Courses: Welcome both small and large your place or ours


Provide Advanced First Aid will also give you the skills and knowledge required to provide a response, including management of the incident and other first aiders, until the arrival of medical or other assistance.

When workplaces have at least one member of staff with qualified in this course this ensures your workers will be able to provide, coordinate and manage a first aid response. This could be across a range of complex situations, including community and workplace settings where people feel confident within their knowledge and ability to carry out this requirement.


Once completing this course, you will be able to demonstrate and complete a variety of skills and assessments.

Consequently, these will be practiced at least once in line with state/territory regulations.

Therefor participants will gain an understanding of the first aid codes of practice, Australian Resuscitation Council (ARC) guidelines and workplace procedures.


  • located and interpreted workplace policies and procedures.
  • conducted a hazard assessment and identified strategies to minimize risk.
  • demonstrated safe manual handling techniques.
  • conducted a basic triage for a multiple casualty incident.
  • assessed airway, breathing and responsiveness of casualty/casualties.
  • performed uninterrupted CPR on both an adult and an infant.
  • checking for response and normal breathing.
  • recognizing abnormal breathing.
  • opening and clearing the airway.
  • using correct hand location, compression depth rate in line with the ARC.
  • recommended ratio of compressions and ventilations.
  • acting in the event of regurgitation or vomiting.
  • Following single rescuer procedure.
  • CPR includes the demonstration of a rotation of operators.
  • Follow two rescue procedures, as both the ventilator and the compressor.
  • activated and followed the prompts of an AED.
  • conducted a secondary survey.
  • checking pulse of at least one person and recording pulse rate.
  • applied first aid procedures for the following.
  • allergic reactions, anaphylaxis, asthma.
  • basic wound care, burns.
  • cardiac arrest.
  • choking and airway obstruction, convulsions, envenomation, epilepsy.
  • eye injuries, fractures, sprains, and strains (using arm slings, roller bandages.
  • other appropriate immobilization techniques).
  • head and spinal injuries.
  • poisoning, respiratory distress, and much more.

Upcoming Course Date

Choose a date and booking or contact us for on demand/flexible delivery schedules

Date Time Location
05/02/2025 08.30am Gold Coast – Oxenford
12/02/2025 08.30am Gold Coast – Oxenford
26/02/2025 08.30am Gold Coast – Oxenford
11/03/2025 08.30am Gold Coast – Oxenford
18/03/2025 08.30am Gold Coast – Oxenford
25/03/2025 08.30am Gold Coast – Oxenford
02/04/2025 08.30am Gold Coast – Oxenford
16/04/2025 08.30am Gold Coast – Oxenford
30/04/2025 08.30am Gold Coast – Oxenford

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